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Business Experience Workshops (BEW)

Business Experience Workshops are the latest gamified offering from Think Codex. It’s a bit lighter than our full fledged business simulations and priced more competitively as well. BEWs are available fully digital or Face-To-Face.

Business Experience Workshops are designed with an outstanding experience in mind, targeted towards specific learning objectives that are most pertinent in your organisation. Powered by Gamification, participants will split into competitive teams and apply what they’ve learnt over several iterated rounds. Pre- and Post-programme assessments will also be used to capture tangible improvements/changes at both personal and project levels.

Snapshots of BEW:

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Agile Project Management Business Experience Workshop
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BEW Website Image.png


Digital Transformation Bundle:

• Embracing & Leveraging Data

• The Digital Customer

• Virtual Teams & Collaboration

• The Digital Culture

• Engaging & Managing Developers

Business Skills Bundle:

• Agile Project Management

• Agility Mindset

• Presentation Skills

BUSINESS SCENARIO-BASEDLearn content within the context of multiple business scenarios – which helps participants to prepare for real life scenarios.


Learn content within the context of multiple business scenarios – which helps participants to prepare for real life scenarios.

HABIT-BUILDING MODELA step up from the Iterative Learning Model, BEWs utilise habit loops to create skill retention.


A step up from the Iterative Learning Model, BEWs utilise habit loops to create skill retention.

GAMIFIED ENGAGEMENTGamification targeting both game psychology and game mechanics, provides a highly-engaging environment to boost retention.


Gamification targeting both game psychology and game mechanics, provides a highly-engaging environment to boost retention.

ASSESSMENT READYPre- and Post-Assessment to gauge the participants’ level of knowledge & capability on the particular topic.


Pre- and Post-Assessment to gauge the participants’ level of knowledge & capability on the particular topic.

WORLD-CLASS CONTENTAs always, world-class  theory, methods and tools are curated by our R&D team. This is done through research and through collaboration with our global network of partners.


As always, world-class
theory, methods and tools are curated by our R&D team. This is done through research and through collaboration with our global network of partners.